
Supporting everyone's personal finance journey

Step by step (15 articles)

<p>This article shows how sufficient cash flow is the key to purchasing a house, even if you are yet to save for the down payment.</p>
House Purchase Step by step
How to Buy Your Dream Home Without Any Savings: A Step-by-Step Guide

This article shows how sufficient cash flow is the key to purchasing a house, even if you are yet to save for the down payment.

Published: 30 September 2023


<p>This article explains the steps for paying TDS on purchasing property in an easy step-by-step manner.</p>
Tax Step by step House Purchase
How to file TDS for Property Purchase: A Step-by-Step Guide

This article explains the steps for paying TDS on purchasing property in an easy step-by-step manner.

Published: 3 September 2023


<p>This article answers a question about investing a certain percentage (here 55%) of your monthly income.</p>
Step by step Portfolio Construction
Where to invest your monthly income if you spend only 45% a month?

This article answers a question about investing a certain percentage (here 55%) of your monthly income.

Published: 2 August 2023


<p>This article shows you how to know the status of your income tax refund from Income Tax India website.</p>
Tax Step by step
How to check your income tax refund status?

This article shows you how to know the status of your income tax refund from Income Tax India website.

Published: 23 July 2023


<p>This article shows you a very convenient way to pay your credit card bill in case you do not have an account with the same bank.</p>
Step by step
How to pay your credit card bill by NEFT?

This article shows you a very convenient way to pay your credit card bill in case you do not have an account with the same bank.

Published: 9 July 2023


<p>This article shows you how to review your sinking fund so that you can keep pace with the inflation of your periodic expenses and short-term goals.</p>
Budgeting Step by step Reader Questions
How to review your sinking fund to always have money since cost of goals are increasing?

This article shows you how to review your sinking fund so that you can keep pace with the inflation of your periodic expenses and short-term goals.

Published: 3 May 2023


<p>This article shows new investors’ steps to choosing their first mutual fund.</p>
Mutual Funds Step by step Reader Questions
What are the best mutual funds for first-time investors?

This article shows new investors’ steps to choosing their first mutual fund.

Published: 18 January 2023


<p>This article shows the steps that a new index fund investor can follow to shortlist an index fund for investing</p>
Step by step Choosing Investments Mutual Funds
What are the best index funds for new investors in India?

This article shows the steps that a new index fund investor can follow to shortlist an index fund for investing

Published: 26 October 2022


<p>An emergency fund is essential to protect yourself from unexpected problems where a lot of money needs to be spent. This article will show you how to create one step-by-step.</p>
Basics Step by step Set Goals
SMART goals: how to create an emergency fund

An emergency fund is essential to protect yourself from unexpected problems where a lot of money needs to be spent. This article will show you how to create one step-by-step.

Published: 5 October 2022


<p>This article offers the steps for identifying, quantifying and investing for buying your dream house.</p>
House Purchase Step by step Set Goals
SMART goals: investing step-by-step for buying your dream home

This article offers the steps for identifying, quantifying and investing for buying your dream house.

Published: 7 September 2022


<p>This article shows the steps to correctly file a health insurance claim so that it gets processed quickly and you get back as much as possible.</p>
Health Insurance Insurance Step by step
How to make a health insurance claim that ensures you get back the claimed amount?

This article shows the steps to correctly file a health insurance claim so that it gets processed quickly and you get back as much as possible.

Published: 21 August 2022


<p>This article shows a simple retirement and review plan that anyone can follow in a step-by-step manner.</p>
Retirement Portfolio Construction Step by step
Low-stress retirement planning calculations: worked out example

This article shows a simple retirement and review plan that anyone can follow in a step-by-step manner.

Published: 3 August 2022


<p>This post chronicles my recent experience of applying for a LIC Tech Term life policy and why it will change your belief that LIC plans are more expensive than private insurers.</p>
Insurance Step by step Review
My experience with the LIC Tech Term life insurance policy

This post chronicles my recent experience of applying for a LIC Tech Term life policy and why it will change your belief that LIC plans are more expensive than private insurers.

Published: 1 May 2022


<p>This article shows you an easy step-by-step way to start retirement planning.</p>
Step by step Retirement
A low-stress step-by-step guide to creating a retirement portfolio

This article shows you an easy step-by-step way to start retirement planning.

Published: 13 April 2022


<p>A Step-by-step guide for PPF account holders approaching maturity in April. This post shows how to decide between extension vs. withdrawal.</p>
Step by step Portfolio Review
Should you renew your PPF account or invest in mutual funds?

A Step-by-step guide for PPF account holders approaching maturity in April. This post shows how to decide between extension vs. withdrawal.

Published: 16 March 2022


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