
Supporting everyone's personal finance journey

Reader Questions (8 articles)

<p>This article gives you a few pointers about what to do with your foreign RSUs that have appreciated a lot in value.</p>
Behaviour Reader Questions International Investing
How to balance FOMO and loss-aversion in the case of foreign RSUs?

This article gives you a few pointers about what to do with your foreign RSUs that have appreciated a lot in value.

Published: 13 March 2024


<p>This article gives the list of people to whom you can give or receive gifts like cash, property, stocks, mutual funds or any other assets without paying tax.</p>
Reader Questions Loans
What are the best ways to pay off a large credit card balance quickly?

This article gives the list of people to whom you can give or receive gifts like cash, property, stocks, mutual funds or any other assets without paying tax.

Published: 9 February 2024


<p>A quick retirement calculation for a reader query who has a good amount of corpus already saved for retirement.</p>
Retirement Reader Questions
How much money does this 39 year old investor need to invest per month to retire at 58?

A quick retirement calculation for a reader query who has a good amount of corpus already saved for retirement.

Published: 27 September 2023


<p>This article shows the right way of valuing your property with a home loan for your investment portfolio.</p>
Real Estate Reader Questions
How to include your property with a home loan in your portfolio?

This article shows the right way of valuing your property with a home loan for your investment portfolio.

Published: 9 August 2023


<p>This article shows you how to review your sinking fund so that you can keep pace with the inflation of your periodic expenses and short-term goals.</p>
Budgeting Step by step Reader Questions
How to review your sinking fund to always have money since cost of goals are increasing?

This article shows you how to review your sinking fund so that you can keep pace with the inflation of your periodic expenses and short-term goals.

Published: 3 May 2023


<p>This article shows new investors’ steps to choosing their first mutual fund.</p>
Mutual Funds Step by step Reader Questions
What are the best mutual funds for first-time investors?

This article shows new investors’ steps to choosing their first mutual fund.

Published: 18 January 2023


<p>A reader query prompted this post on the risks of not investing in volatile assets for long term goals.</p>
Risk Asset Allocation Reader Questions
How conservative investors risk falling short of their goals

A reader query prompted this post on the risks of not investing in volatile assets for long term goals.

Published: 2 March 2022


<p>This post shows how goal-based investing can answer whether you should or should not prepay your home loan.</p>
Loans Reader Questions House Purchase
Should you use your stock market profits to prepay a home loan?

This post shows how goal-based investing can answer whether you should or should not prepay your home loan.

Published: 28 September 2021


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